
Updated Covid Policy, August 2020

To all R.M. Lucas Co. Employees, Customers and Suppliers

In order to minimize health risks to R.M. Lucas Co. Employees, Suppliers and Customers we will implement the following measures.

All Employees will take their temperature immediately upon entering the building and record the results on the form provided. Any Employee with a temperature of 100.4F or higher shall immediately exit the building and inform the Company by telephone.

All Employees are required to wear a face covering with the following exceptions. 1. When eating or drinking in approved areas. 2. When alone in a private office.

Employees shall maintain a minimum 6 ft distance from each when possible other in compliance with section 15 (i).

Sanitation products will be provided in compliance with section 15 (ii). All forklifts, production units, work areas and eating tables and restrooms shall have sanitizer supplied. Sanitation records for all touch surfaces shall be maintained by all departments and all facilities.

Any shared equipment, such as printers, laptop computers, lab apparatus and production equipment must be sanitized prior to use and/or used with gloves to prevent potential exposure to the virus. Unnecessary sharing of equipment is to be discouraged.

R.M. Lucas Co. will post online hours of operation and other operating information as required by section 15 (iv). Current Hours are 5 am to 11 pm Monday through Friday and 5 am to 3 pm Saturday.

R.M. Lucas Co. Vendors are prohibited from entering our facilities until the expiration of this order. Exceptions for essential services only as listed in the order. All vendors must sign in, have their temperature taken and must wear a mask.

Drivers shall be directed to remain in their vehicles while being loaded or unloaded. Paperwork should be left at the plant entrance for signatures not in the shipping and receiving work area. Drivers may not use the Company restroom facilities.

Job applicants will not be allowed in the office. Applications for employment may be filled out in the lobby area only. Interviews may be conducted foyer.

Employees are to be sent to breaks and lunch on a staggered schedule to reduce congregation in common areas. Break room use is discouraged and social distancing must be maintained. Tables set to maintain 6’ distancing and each table shall have only two chairs, one on each end, to maintain distance. Masks must be worn in the lunchroom at all times except when seated.

Limit 10 people in the lunch room and locker rooms at any one time. Limit in office restrooms is 1 person.

Access to the office will be restricted to office personnel Lab and plant management personnel only. Plant access will be restricted to plant and laboratory Employees only. Laboratory areas will be restricted to Laboratory Employees only. This order does not apply to the Plant Managers, Company Directors or Corporate Officers.

Office employees are to refrain from entering any offices other than their own and use of the lunch room area is discouraged. Only two people may use the lunch room at any one time. One person per table.

In the event that an Employee is suspected or presumed to have had exposure, as defined by the CDC, to a person suspected or confirmed to have Covid-19, those persons will be barred from Lucas facilities until such time as they are confirmed to be Covid free or released to work by their doctor or for a period of 14 days from exposure.

R.M. Lucas Co. will continue to evaluate Health and Safety measures in response to the Covid19 virus.

R.M. Lucas Co.
Robert Barry

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O U R  L O C A T I O N S

Alsip Plant and Corporate Office:
12400 S. Laramie Ave
Alsip, IL 60803 

 Chicago Plant:
3211 S. Wood St.
Chicago, IL 60608 


Austin Warehouse:
11752 S Austin Ave.
Alsip, IL 60803


General Office:

General Fax: