Lucas Opens a Manufacturing and Distribution Facility in Orlando, Florida

November 3, 2022

R. M. Lucas Co is pleased to announce the opening of our Orlando, Florida manufacturing plant and distribution facility.  The…


Installation of Lucas #8000 Coating System on Commercial Flat Roof

November 3, 2022

R. M. Lucas would like to take this opportunity to thank Atlantic Coast Contractors for their YouTube video featuring our TPS8000 Silicone Roof Coating System.  Watch as we install the Lucas #8000 waterproofing system on a commercial flat roof in Hallendale, Fl. We were happy to work closely with our local Lucas rep, Mike Taylor. Lucas is a very hands-on company and are always willing to help with any part of the installation process. We always enjoy working with Lucas.


Updated Covid Policy, August 2020

November 3, 2022

To all R.M. Lucas Co. Employees, Customers and Suppliers

In order to minimize health risks to R.M. Lucas Co. Employees, Suppliers and Customers we will implement the following measures.

All Employees will take their temperature immediately upon entering the building and record the results on the form provided. Any Employee with a temperature of 100.4F or higher shall immediately exit the building and inform the Company by telephone.


O U R  L O C A T I O N S

Alsip Plant and Corporate Office:
12400 S. Laramie Ave
Alsip, IL 60803 

 Chicago Plant:
3211 S. Wood St.
Chicago, IL 60608 


Austin Warehouse:
11752 S Austin Ave.
Alsip, IL 60803


General Office:

General Fax: